Sadie- Clothes: Sadie wears a plain black dress with a white collar. The dress is made of a felt material and can be ripped easily at the collar. It it a bit baggy in places and doesn't flow correctly in certain places. She also comes with white socks and Mary Jane shoes, which are held on by clear bands. Very plain look that works well for Sadie.
Hair: Sadie's hair is straight, black, and goes down to the backs of her knees. It is very thick and has retained its silkiness for the past 10 years. I wish all the other dolls had hair this amazing!
Paint: I adore the paint on Sadie...her eyes are so awesome! I love the different colors! Works very well for her
Accessories: Sadie comes with a bouquet of black roses, a coffin purse, and a knife. All are well made and won't break unless you try to lol
Sin- N/A
Damien- N/A
Eggorcist- N/A
Posey- N/A
Series 2
Lizzie Borden- N/A
Lou Sapphire-Outfit: Lou comes wearing a black a red pimp suit. The shirt, tie, and pocket triangle are made of a nylon material. His coat and pants are made of a velvet type material. The coat is held together with plastic clasps. Everything is very well tailored. There are no loose threads at all. His shoes are black and red dress shoes. he also has a ring on his left pinky. However, the gem on mine fell off as soon as I got him. I found it and put it in his coffin to glue on later.
Hair: Lou has black slicked back hair. It is heavily gelled but appears to have loosened up over the years which is fully understandable. A few stray hairs here and there but nothing overly awful.
Paint: Lou has basic paint. His eyes are layered red, white, and black. There is a cloudy coating of black around his eyes.
Accessories: Lou comes with a skull cane. The stick part of the cane is made of soft plastic and the skull is made of hard plastic. Lou is able to hold the cane using the horns of the skull. The skull's eyes are red gems.
Kitty- N/A
Schooltime Sadie- N/A
Deadbra Ann- N/A
Series 3
Bride of Valentine- N/A
Sheena- N/A
Lilith- Outfit: Lilith comes wearing a black, floor length dress. The dress is made of a velvet type material. The bust area of the dress is made of an aged white gauze like material. There is a hole right over her heart where the stake goes so that part of the dress is bloody. The bottom of the dress is sectioned off in triangles that flare out. The back of her dress contains a giant bow. Everything is well made with no loose threads.
Hair: The hair on my Lilith is quite...annoying. I'm one of those collectors that has to have every little thing on their doll perfect. My Lilith has tons of kinks in her hair. I am guessing this is from being stored in the heat and the hair melted together. Her roots also have gel giving her hair a kind of greasy gleam. Could just be my doll though.
Paint: Lilith has stunning eyes. They are a yellow/green color pair. Her pupils are yellow * <--- that. She has beautiful, thick eyelashes and high raised eyebrows to show fury. She has an open mouth to reveal her bloody mouth and fangs. She also has subtle blue veins all over her face. I never knew about them until jana told me.
Accessories: Lilith comes with a bloody wooden stake. It is supposed to go into the hole in Lilith's chest or she can hold it. I prefer mine hold her's. She looks fierce with it. Plus I found that the paint rubbed off the stake every time I put it in her wound.
Other: Lilith was the first open mouth doll to be produced. She was also the first vampire.
Lottie- N/A
Schitzo- N/A
Series 4
Inferno- N/A
Sybil- N/A
Lulu- N/A
Ms. Eerie- Clothes: Ms. Eerie comes wearing a beautiful mourning dress with a purple waist sash and spiderweb sleeves. The dress is made of a nylon type material with netting as sleeves. Very well made with little fraying. She also has a mourning hat with spiderweb veil on it. The bottom has started to fray a little but nothing too bad. She also has black sandals. The straps are sturdy and won't stretch or break.
Hair: I believe at one point my Eerie's hair used to be silky and smooth. Unfortunately the previous owner did not take care of her as much. She hair is pure white and comes down to about her waist. It is thick and flows nicely with the rest of her design.
Paint: She is quite basic when it comes to paint...her eyes are pure white, her lips are red, and she has her finger nails and toenails painted red as well.
Accessories: Ms. Eerie comes with a mourning wreath that says "Rot in Pieces". The wreath is lined with black fabric flowers and a fabric banner through the middle. The rest is just cardboard. It is easy to bend and tear so be very careful when handling it.
Macumba- N/A
Series 5
Jezebel- N/A
B&W Jezebel- N/A
Siren- Clothes:
B&W Siren- N/A
Dahlia- Clothes:
B&W Dahlia- N/A
Hollywood- N/A
B&W Hollywood- Clothes: B&W Hollywood comes in a dark gray dress with black ribbon shoulder straps, a lace piece at the top, and a white feather bottom. The dress is good quality with little fraying which is amazing given the number of years she has been released. The feathers do tend to come out every once in a while but it doesn't take away from the overall image. She also comes with a white feather boa. Mine is home made because my B&W Hollywood didn't come with her original one. But she looks amazing with it so it was a good outfit choice. She has black strap on shoes.
Hair: B&W Hollywood has crazy hair. Like really crazy. She has black, mid-back length, bushy hair. It's really curly and rather difficult to push off her face. Most of the time she has hair covering the pretty side of her face. But it suites her so I don't have a problem with it.
Paint: Because B&W Hollywood is part of the "Black and White" Variant version of Series 5 everything on her is, well, black and white. Hollywood was involved in a car crash leaving half her body bloody and bruised. The paint work is very detailed, highlighting her swollen eye and her injuries. I'm torn on the black paint used for her injuries. I think it adds more detail you can see but I also love the red on the regular.
Accessories: Nothing unless you count the boa.
Other: B&W Hollywood was part of the first series of variants.
Vincent- Clothes:
B&W Vincent- N/A
Series 6
Jinx-Clothes: Jinx's outfit is very oddly put together. Nothing really goes together on her outfit. She is wearing leopard print shirt with matching collar. Her ears match too but I don't have those yet. She then has a black felt shirt with a large number 13 stamped on the front. And then she has orange socks with black Mary Jane Shoes. She also has a positionable felt tail.
Hair: Jinx has shoulder length straight ginger hair. It is hard to maintain because of the length. A lot of little strands keep poking out. It may be different when she has the ears on but my doll didn't come with any.
Paint: She has fiery cat-like eyes that match her hair. Very well painted although her right pupil is a bit smeared.
Accessories: She comes with her DC, CB and a black cat. The cat is a solid mold with no movement.
Other: Severe wonky leg.
Dottie Rose- Outfit:
Hush- Clothes: Hush is wearing a gorgeous (and dirty) Victorian night gown. It is stained brown from the sewers she climbs through. It is trimmed with lace and ribbon and ruffles. Very sturdy material. No frays as of now. So pretty!
Hair: Hush has very fine thread for hair. It is black and rather flat but really works with the stringy look the sewers would have given her hair. The threads stick together a bit but they are easy to pull apart.
Paint: Hush has a lot going on paint wise. Her eyes are 4 or 5 different shades of black and gray and she has black veins stretching out all over her face, arms, and torso.
Accessories: Hush comes with a rat which I do not have at this time.
Revenant- Clothes: Revenant is wearing a black and white layered sack-like material dress. The material frays easily and is not very sturdy. One of the arms already came undone. There is a face in her dress too...quite creepy.
Hair: Revenant's hair is long and gorgeous and white. It is very thick and isn't that hard to maintain except for a few tangles at the bottom and random floating strands.
Paint: Revenant has black veins all over her face and neck. Her eyes are pure black as are her lips.
Accessories: Revenant comes with her DC, CB, and a Vulture. The Vulture is a solid mold with no movement.
Other: Wonky leg *sigh* And she glows!
Calico- Clothes: Calico has an...odd way of dressing. She is wearing a "skin" tight pleather-type-thing dress with a big slit down one side. She also has red sandals on
Hair: Calico has purple yarn hair. It frays a bit a the bottom so watch out for that.
Paint: Calico is a mix of several different'll see when you look at the pic XD
Accessories: She comes with a pet...thing. Muzzy is all mixed matched just like Calico. He has no movement.
Other: Wonky leg.
Issac- Clothes: Issac's clothes are his body. He has black overalls witha cute little yellow patch on them. He has a red and black plaid shirt and a black hat with a patch. What's exciting and fresh about his outfit is the fact that it ha real straw! It is fragile so don;t bend it and stuff
Hair: None...unless you count the straw
Paint: He has lots of cool little stitch details. His hands are painted all creepy and dirty looking
Accessories: He comes with a crow of course! And CB/DC. No movement for the crow.
Other: He is the only doll with a stuffed body. His left hand has 6 fingers.
Series 7
Lust- N/A
Vanity- N/A
Wrath- N/A
Envy- N/A
Sloth- N/A
Greed- N/A
Gluttony- N/A
Series 8
The Lost- N/A
Hollow- Outfit:
Grace of the Grave- Clothes: Grace's clothes are very interesting. She has a sack-like dress stained with blood and bloody hand prints. She has a black head wrap that is sewed around her neck. Both of these fray very easily. In my opinion, it kinda suits her though since she is dirty, bloody and overall gross to look at.
Hair: She has no hair at all.
Paint: Grace has eyes that are filmed over in blood red. It makes for a very cool looking effect. Her face is full of blood and bumps. She has gray, decaying flesh. Her mouth has been cut open at the sides. It looks very realistic and is quite gruesome.
Accessories: Nothing but the DC and CB
Faith- Clothes: Faith is wearing a black and white striped old style bathing suit. It is a bit big on her and can be saggy in some places. You just have to move it around a bit to get it in the right place.
Hair: Faith has the gorgeous, thick, ankle long auburn hair. It is just gorgeous. Watch out for the bottom though. It tangles quite easily.
Paint: Faith is green and glossy to symbolize her watery death. She is very veiny and bumpy. Her eyes are very...undefined. They are watery and rough.
Accessories: She has nothing
Other: My Faith has a wonky leg
Angus Littlrot (Open Mouth)- Clothes: Angus is wearing a gray button up shirt. It has a bloody hand print on it. It also has a very thin black ribbon bow for a bowtie. His shirt is attached to his black pants. He is wearinf a black overcoat with velvet insides. The right sleeve is the jacket is ragged on one end where his hook is.
Hair: Angus has nasty, slick, geasy hair. It is hard to style because there is so much gel in it. Because of the part down the middle of his head you can see a strip of scalp.
Paint: Open Mouthed Angus has two eyes in his left eye. He is green and has a red cross on his forehead. He is bloody all over. He has really fine eyelashes all the way around his eyes.
Accessories: Nothing!
Other: Angus has 3 Variants; Regular Angus, Open Mouthed Angus, and Slashed Face Angus.
Series 9
Elisa Day-Clothes: Elisa wears a simple white gown. It flows very well and is perfect to style any way you please. She is wearing white shoes with white socks.
Hair: Elisa has long light brown hair that almost reaches her feet. It isn't hard to manage and is free of any gel. The roots are blood stained to go with her head wound.
Paint: Her forehead is covered in blood that trickles down her neck. She has eyelids and brown eyes. She has tears coming out of her eyes.
Accessories: Elisa comes with a red rose in full bloom and a rock.
Other: Elisa Day was part of a series with all girls.

Toxic Molly- Clothes: Molly is wearing a knee length, collared, red velvet dress with lace strewn everywhere. She comes with red bows in her hair. She has white socks and Mary Janes.
Hair: Her hair comes in pigtails. She has a few loose strands. Her hair is hard to maneuver around the mask bands so be careful.
Paint: She has eyes eyes and a cool colored mouth. Not much paint to worry about when buying.
Accessories: Nothing!
Other: Toxic Molly was part of a series with all girls. She is the only doll with a double set of teeth.

Dawn- N/A
Blue- N/A
Purdy- N/A
Elisa Day-Clothes: Elisa wears a simple white gown. It flows very well and is perfect to style any way you please. She is wearing white shoes with white socks.
Hair: Elisa has long light brown hair that almost reaches her feet. It isn't hard to manage and is free of any gel. The roots are blood stained to go with her head wound.
Paint: Her forehead is covered in blood that trickles down her neck. She has eyelids and brown eyes. She has tears coming out of her eyes.
Accessories: Elisa comes with a red rose in full bloom and a rock.
Other: Elisa Day was part of a series with all girls.
Toxic Molly- Clothes: Molly is wearing a knee length, collared, red velvet dress with lace strewn everywhere. She comes with red bows in her hair. She has white socks and Mary Janes.
Hair: Her hair comes in pigtails. She has a few loose strands. Her hair is hard to maneuver around the mask bands so be careful.
Paint: She has eyes eyes and a cool colored mouth. Not much paint to worry about when buying.
Accessories: Nothing!
Other: Toxic Molly was part of a series with all girls. She is the only doll with a double set of teeth.
Dawn- N/A
Blue- N/A
Purdy- N/A
Series 10
Mildread- N/A
Demonique- Outfit:
Arachne- Outfit:
Tina Black- Outfit: Tina has probably one of the coolest dresses I've seen on a LDD. It is made of a misty blue mesh with black lace material sectioning off the arms, top, and bottom. There is a bit of fraying but it suits her. Tina also has a black hat. It looks like a top hat but it might not be...I'm bad at hats. The one I got is destroyed but I love it. Adds to the dead look of her. She wears black high heeled boots.
Hair: Tina has black, wavy hair down to her butt. It's a bit thin but looks fine with the hat.
Paint: Tina has an awesome paint job. There are so many colors used. Her eyes are different sections of blue that all form a deep vortex of doom if you look into them too long. She has pink around her eyes. She has an open mouth that shows a nasty gray tongue and dark yellow rotting teeth. God I love this doll!

Accessories: Nothing
Wolfgang- N/A
Mildread- N/A
Demonique- Outfit:
Arachne- Outfit:
Tina Black- Outfit: Tina has probably one of the coolest dresses I've seen on a LDD. It is made of a misty blue mesh with black lace material sectioning off the arms, top, and bottom. There is a bit of fraying but it suits her. Tina also has a black hat. It looks like a top hat but it might not be...I'm bad at hats. The one I got is destroyed but I love it. Adds to the dead look of her. She wears black high heeled boots.
Hair: Tina has black, wavy hair down to her butt. It's a bit thin but looks fine with the hat.
Paint: Tina has an awesome paint job. There are so many colors used. Her eyes are different sections of blue that all form a deep vortex of doom if you look into them too long. She has pink around her eyes. She has an open mouth that shows a nasty gray tongue and dark yellow rotting teeth. God I love this doll!
Accessories: Nothing
Wolfgang- N/A
Series 11
Maggot- N/A
Killbaby- N/A

Rain- N/A
Isaiah- N/A
Maggot- N/A
Killbaby- N/A
Rain- N/A
Isaiah- N/A
Series 12
Chloe- N/A
Tessa- Coming Soon!
Frozen Charlotte- Clothes: Charlotte is wearing a light blue, white fox fur trim, collared winter coat. It has real white buttons going down the center. The collar on mine has been sewed a bit crookedly making the entire dress slightly crooked. She has mitten that match. She has earmuffs that fit perfectly around her head. Instead of normal shoes, Charlotte is wearing white, fox fur trim skates. They have little pom poms on them too.
Hair: Charlotte has white hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She has parted bangs that fall on her forehead. Her hair is easy to maintain thouh the bangs are sometimes hard to style correctly.
Paint: Charlotte has a lot of mini details. She has the basic face with painted eyes and lips. She has several breaks all over her body (forehead, neck, left calf). These are very well done and look real
Accessories: None!
Other: Charlotte is impossible to stand (at least mine is) so a stand is needed.

Cuddles- Clothes: Cuddles come wearing a pink and white checkered dress with a velvet bow at the collar and black velvet hearts all around the bottom. The dress is stained with grease, like you would see at a carnival. She is wearing a black undersuit underneath the dress. Mine has a few loose threads that are visible but nothing serious. She has the most amazing clown shoes ever.
Hair: Cuddles has super long black hair. It's not hard to maintain although some strands become a bit wild and are hard to put back in place. Her hair is really thick and no scalp shows.
Paint: Cuddles has an amazing paint job. Her nose is a clown nose, of course, and has a few sloppy paint marks at the base. She has an amazing slash face. Her teeth look beyond real and rotten. The texture plus the red that was used for blood makes her look very believable.
Accessories: Cuddles come with a machete! It is covered in real looking blood and really completes the image.

Ezekiel- N/A
Series 13Chloe- N/A
Tessa- Coming Soon!
Frozen Charlotte- Clothes: Charlotte is wearing a light blue, white fox fur trim, collared winter coat. It has real white buttons going down the center. The collar on mine has been sewed a bit crookedly making the entire dress slightly crooked. She has mitten that match. She has earmuffs that fit perfectly around her head. Instead of normal shoes, Charlotte is wearing white, fox fur trim skates. They have little pom poms on them too.
Hair: Charlotte has white hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She has parted bangs that fall on her forehead. Her hair is easy to maintain thouh the bangs are sometimes hard to style correctly.
Paint: Charlotte has a lot of mini details. She has the basic face with painted eyes and lips. She has several breaks all over her body (forehead, neck, left calf). These are very well done and look real
Accessories: None!
Other: Charlotte is impossible to stand (at least mine is) so a stand is needed.
Cuddles- Clothes: Cuddles come wearing a pink and white checkered dress with a velvet bow at the collar and black velvet hearts all around the bottom. The dress is stained with grease, like you would see at a carnival. She is wearing a black undersuit underneath the dress. Mine has a few loose threads that are visible but nothing serious. She has the most amazing clown shoes ever.
Hair: Cuddles has super long black hair. It's not hard to maintain although some strands become a bit wild and are hard to put back in place. Her hair is really thick and no scalp shows.
Paint: Cuddles has an amazing paint job. Her nose is a clown nose, of course, and has a few sloppy paint marks at the base. She has an amazing slash face. Her teeth look beyond real and rotten. The texture plus the red that was used for blood makes her look very believable.
Accessories: Cuddles come with a machete! It is covered in real looking blood and really completes the image.
Ezekiel- N/A
Jacob- N/A
Morgana- N/A
Simone- N/A
Iris- N/A
Evangeline- N/A
Series 14
Daisy Slae- N/A
Jasper- N/A
Alison Crux- Outfit:

Dee K- Clothes: Dee K comes wearing a school girl uniform. It is dark blue/white checkered. She has a white collared shirt on underneath. She also has white lace socks with Mary Jane shoes. No loose threads at all.
Hair: Dee K has really long, thin black hair. The thin hair really goes with her zombie character. You can see scalp though. Easy to maintain and style.
Paint: Dee K is a green doll. She has tiny little eyes that don't require too much deatil paint. And then you see her teeth. Dee K has these nasty horse teeth with disgusting gray braces on them. The work on the gums is great as well as her dirty teeth.
Accessories: Nothing!

greGORY- N/A
Series 15Daisy Slae- N/A
Jasper- N/A
Alison Crux- Outfit:
Dee K- Clothes: Dee K comes wearing a school girl uniform. It is dark blue/white checkered. She has a white collared shirt on underneath. She also has white lace socks with Mary Jane shoes. No loose threads at all.
Hair: Dee K has really long, thin black hair. The thin hair really goes with her zombie character. You can see scalp though. Easy to maintain and style.
Paint: Dee K is a green doll. She has tiny little eyes that don't require too much deatil paint. And then you see her teeth. Dee K has these nasty horse teeth with disgusting gray braces on them. The work on the gums is great as well as her dirty teeth.
Accessories: Nothing!
greGORY- N/A
Death- N/A
Gypsy- N/A
Countess Bathory- Clothes: Bathory is dressed in a red velvet like old time dress. The arms of the dress are fine netting and have gold trim. The dress has a white portion on the front trimmed n white lace and full of blood. She has on a large square collar that is bead at the neck with black beads. There is a small bit of netting under the dress towards the waist to fill the dress out a bit.
Hair: Bathory sports a high bun with curls on both sides of her face in front of her ears. The hair is a bit thin but no scalp can be seen. Very easy to maintain. Her hair is really nicely done!
Paint: Bathory has bright red eyes with black pupils. She has blood covering pretty much everything. Her face is fll of dripping blood, as is her hair. Her dress and hands have blood all over them.
Accessories: She comes with a Spirit Board Piece.
Other: Bathory is based off of a real person, Lady Elizabeth Bathory.
Flamingo- Clothes: Flamingo is wearing a strapless, short, black and white checkered dress. I has a black flamingo on the bottom right. The top is trimmed in pink ruffles. Make sure to pull it up from time to tends to drop.
Hair: Flamingo has brown/pink curly hair that is put up in pigtails. There's nothing to maintain as her hair is supposed to be a bit wild. Hair is a tad thin but nothing serious.
Paint: Flamingo has bright yellow eyes and blood shot eyes. Not much paint detail.
Accessories: She comes with a Spirit Board Piece.
Judas- Clothes: Judas has on black pants, a black felt under dress and a prayer alter boy shirt covered is the sulfur symbol. He has on plain black shoes. Very plain look. Nothing too exciting.
Hair: Judas's hair is really thin. Lots of scalp can be seen. It's rather bland. Again, nothing too exciting.
Paint: Judas has yellow and red eyes. No other great paint details.
Accessories: Judas comes with a Spirit Board piece.
Series 16
Isabel- Clothes: Isabel's dress is a beautiful Masquerade Ball Gown. It has two layers, a designed red and black layer underneath and on the torso and a plain black material on top and for the puffy sleeves. When I recieved my Isabel the back of her dress was ripped open, there were loose threads everywhere. Becareful with the is fragile.
Hair: Isabel has one of the most complicated hairstyles I've ever seen on a LDD. She has raven black hair that goes down to her waist...well parts at least. She has short bangs laying on her forehead. She has a large bun on the back of her head with two long strands of hair flowing down her back in little pigtail things. She also has extra hair on the top of her head to add thickness. There are a lot of loose strands to her hair and I find it to be a bit thin.
Paint: Not a lot of paint for this doll. Since she tore out her own eyes she, of course, has blood dripping from them. Her lips are a darker shade of pinkish purple.
Accessories: She comes with a clever little Masquerade mask thathas pretty eyes on it. She also comes with a Trick or Treat Pail
Other: Isabel is part of the first Halloween Themed Series.

Pumpkin- Clothes:
Squeak- Clothes:
Eleanor- Clothes:
Isabel- Clothes: Isabel's dress is a beautiful Masquerade Ball Gown. It has two layers, a designed red and black layer underneath and on the torso and a plain black material on top and for the puffy sleeves. When I recieved my Isabel the back of her dress was ripped open, there were loose threads everywhere. Becareful with the is fragile.
Hair: Isabel has one of the most complicated hairstyles I've ever seen on a LDD. She has raven black hair that goes down to her waist...well parts at least. She has short bangs laying on her forehead. She has a large bun on the back of her head with two long strands of hair flowing down her back in little pigtail things. She also has extra hair on the top of her head to add thickness. There are a lot of loose strands to her hair and I find it to be a bit thin.
Paint: Not a lot of paint for this doll. Since she tore out her own eyes she, of course, has blood dripping from them. Her lips are a darker shade of pinkish purple.
Accessories: She comes with a clever little Masquerade mask thathas pretty eyes on it. She also comes with a Trick or Treat Pail
Other: Isabel is part of the first Halloween Themed Series.
Pumpkin- Clothes:
Squeak- Clothes:
Eleanor- Clothes:
Series 17
The Hook- Clothes: Hook's clothes are really nicely made with no loose threads or anything like that. He wears a brown, muddy overcoat over a worn out gray jumpsuit and muddy black boots. The brown overcoat is made of a very strong material that doesn't seem to tear easily. It goes nicely with the overall crazy escaped lunatic effect of the doll. The grey jumpsuit underneath has the words "Ewing Asylum" on the back and is made of a thinner material. His jump suit also includes a stuffed pouch on the upper back to make it appear that he has a hunch back! Very nice detail and something I have never seen done on a Living Dead Doll before! The black boots are the same as usual. They are a bit loose on his feet, though, because he doesn't have any socks.
Hair: The Hook has neon green hair. I didn't like it at first but I find now that it adds to the crazy factor of him. His hair is heavily gelled which has pros and cons. The gelled loo makes the hair look wet, like he has been running in the rain. The gel does flake however and makes him look like he has dandruff.
Paint: The paint on Hook is excellent! The cuts on his face make it look like he has self mutilated himself with his Hook. His eyes are blood shot and a crazy green and yellow combo.
Accessories: I am counting the Hook's hook as his accessory because it can be removed. If you pop off the hook he has a bloody stump underneath! The Hook is easy to remove and put back on. It was very sturdy and not likely to break or wilt any time soon.
The Unwilling Donor- Clothes:
The Vanishing Hitchhiker- Clothes:
Bloody Mary-Clothes:

Spider Bite- Clothes:
The Hook- Clothes: Hook's clothes are really nicely made with no loose threads or anything like that. He wears a brown, muddy overcoat over a worn out gray jumpsuit and muddy black boots. The brown overcoat is made of a very strong material that doesn't seem to tear easily. It goes nicely with the overall crazy escaped lunatic effect of the doll. The grey jumpsuit underneath has the words "Ewing Asylum" on the back and is made of a thinner material. His jump suit also includes a stuffed pouch on the upper back to make it appear that he has a hunch back! Very nice detail and something I have never seen done on a Living Dead Doll before! The black boots are the same as usual. They are a bit loose on his feet, though, because he doesn't have any socks.
Hair: The Hook has neon green hair. I didn't like it at first but I find now that it adds to the crazy factor of him. His hair is heavily gelled which has pros and cons. The gelled loo makes the hair look wet, like he has been running in the rain. The gel does flake however and makes him look like he has dandruff.
Paint: The paint on Hook is excellent! The cuts on his face make it look like he has self mutilated himself with his Hook. His eyes are blood shot and a crazy green and yellow combo.
Accessories: I am counting the Hook's hook as his accessory because it can be removed. If you pop off the hook he has a bloody stump underneath! The Hook is easy to remove and put back on. It was very sturdy and not likely to break or wilt any time soon.
The Unwilling Donor- Clothes:
The Vanishing Hitchhiker- Clothes:
Bloody Mary-Clothes:
Spider Bite- Clothes:
Series 18

Ingrid- Coming Soon!
Gabriella- N/A
Ember- N/A
Jingles- Coming Soon!
Series 19 Calavera-Clothes:
Ingrid- Coming Soon!
Gabriella- N/A
Ember- N/A
Jingles- Coming Soon!
Orchid-Outfit: Orchid comes wearing a lavender dress with ruffle bottom, black ribbon waist, and black lace collar. The dress is adorable and really well made. There is stiff netting under the dress to add volume. She is wearing Mary Janes with black, lace trim socks.
Hair: Orchid has dark blonde sausage curls pulled into pigtails. The curls keep their shape well with little gel. One of mine is unraveled at the top though. She came like that. She also has straight bangs.
Paint: Orchid's eyes are rather frightening. The whites of her eyes are blood, and her eyed are a black, yellow,red layer. She has little fangs on her mouth and has blood running down her chin. She also has cool blue veins all over her face.
Accessories: None
Sanguis-Outfit: Sanguis comes in a black layer dress with white top part. The white part of the dress is sectioned vertically. It has three small black dots which represent buttons and lace on the bottom. The dress also has a black ribbon tied in a bow around the collar. The dress part is made of a nylon type material while the white is made of regular cloth. She has black mesh, fingerless gloves on both hands that match her leggings. Her socks are black and have topped with black lace. She is wearing black mary janes. Her forehead hat (that's what I like to call it) is made of a tough felt material that has a painted pattern on it. There is a section of black mesh that comes down across her eyes.
Hair: Sanguis has short black hair styled in a bob. Due to the length she does have some stray hairs. Her bangs are hard to move. I had to take off her hat and fix the hair so it would look good. She does have some bald spots but it's because of the hat and the way the hair needs to be styled. Otherwise it's a good thickness. No gel! Made me really happy.
Paint: Sanguis's eyes are a turquoise color. The whites of her eyes are yellow. It's an odd combination but she seems to make it work. She has black around her eyes. She is an open mouth doll so that her fangs can be shown. The detail on the teeth is amazing. They actually look real. Her entire mouth region is, of course, covered in blood. I really want to know how she didn't get any blood spatter on her dress.
Accessories: Sanguis comes with a fan. It's made of paper so be careful. It has a big red sulfur symbol in the middle.
Haemon-Outfit: Haemon has a very simple outfit. White button up shirt, black pants, and a black trench coat. Even though it's simple, it makes him look really epic. There is already some fraying on the sleeves of his shirt though. Otherwise his outfit is amazing.
Hair: There's really not much to mention here. He has buzz cut black hair. It's basically really fuzzy material that's been glued to his head. The only probably I have is that it can peel off easily and it seems to attract dust more.
Paint: Haemon has blood shot, yellow eyes. Pretty intense. He has black around his eyes. His lips are black, and, like Sanguis, has blood all around his mouth dripping down to his neck. Again, I would love to know how he didn't get blood on his shirt.
Accessories: Nothing
Other: Haemon has the mark of a cross burnt into his forehead. It's actually sculpted in rather than just painted.
Sabbatha Blood-
Series 20
El Luchador Muerto-
Savannah- Outfit: Savannah comes wearing a gray dress that is sectioned off horizontally with white lace. The dress is a classic off shoulder Spanish dress. The collar/shoulder is elastic so you can position it any way you want. I'm not quite sure what her dress is made of. It feels like a...Yeah I have no clue. It's kinda furry like velvet but not as plushy. On top of her dress is a black shawl. It is really soft and detailed; very well made. As you can see in the pictures, there are thin strings hanging from the bottom of the shawl all the way around. She is barefoot.
Hair: Savannah has gorgeous vibrant red hair. It is thick and lustrous. There is no gel at all but holds the slight wave of her hair very well. Stray hairs are a problem though and there is some gaping toward the front.
Paint: Savannah has a very detailed Day od the Dead style face. She has a heart with a cross in it and a torch on top. Her eyebrows are 4 yellow dots above her eyes. Her eyes are a three layer 3. She has two toned blue around her eyes with a pattern outlining it. There are cobwebs on her cheeks and chin. Her nose is like a nose would look on a skull. All the paint is very clean cut, no slop at all.
Accessories: None
Other: Savannah is part of a Series based on the Spanish holiday "Day of the Dead."
LDD In Wonderland
Sadie as Alice-Clothes: Alice has on a blood red collared dress with a white apron traditionally seen on Alice. The dress is trimmed with, what I call, fairytale lace. The apron has black stripes on the bottom of it. There is a black ribbon going around her waist that ties off in a bow at the back. At the top of the apron is a little cloth skull button with two short black ribbon pieces. The bow can be undone so beware! There are a few loose threads. Nothing that can't be fixed though. She also has a solid red hairband around her head above her bangs. This can be removed but is very difficult to get back on. She has black stocking and Mary Janes.
Hair: Alice has straight black hair that goes down to her lower back. She has ragged bangs that are glued to her head to hold their place. It is thick with no scalp showing.
Paint: Alice has Sadie's traditional one black one white eyes with red pupils. Her lips are black. She also has a little spade below her white eye.
Accessories: She comes with nothing
Packaging: All the Wonderland dolls come in the same box. It is very appealing to the eye with bright graphics of the characters and other traditional Alice scenes. It is a window box with Velcro snap for closing the cover.
Other: Alice is part of the first "LDD in..." Series. I did notice that Alice has some shiny spots on her from gel. I heard that you only have to rub those off with a damp washcloth.
Sybil as The Mad Hatter-Clothes: The Mad Hatter has an extremely complex outfit. She is wearing an old time riffled button-up shirt. There are loose strands on the shirt but I think it goes with the theme. The left sleeve is whole while the right sleeve is entirely ripped off. On the right arm she wears a tightly netted black elbow length glove. It is fingerless. On top of the white shirt she wears a shiny black vest (thick nylon-like material). It has Velcro holding it together. In the vest are four buttons. A skull button, a raven button, a sulfur symbol button, and a "Curiouser and Curiouser" Button. The buttons are cardboard so becareful. She has a thin black feather boa. She has a real pant chain attached to the front of the shirt under the vest and under the vest on the back side. She has gray and black vertical thin stripped leggings. And she has awesome boots. Finally, she comes with a giant top hat. It is vertical stripped gray/black with solid black around the rim. There is a thick black ribbon around the cylinder part that holds the "In this style 10/6" card. This is cardboard is it can tear and bend. And she has her swirl eyes patch! It is glued to her face but not to the eye.
Hair: Hatter has the coolest hair...ever! It is stripped purple and whitish lavender. The back is short and it gets longer toward the front. Her hair is thinner on the top where you can;t see because of the hat and thicker on the sides where you can see. No scalp can be seen anywhere.
Paint: Hatter also has some of the most exciting paint of any doll. Her face is sooo busy it is frightening! Her lips are bright green with black outlining Her right eyes is a swirl (like the original Sybil) and the left is a creepy black and gray one. Her right eye is all decked out in awesome design stuffs.
Accessories: Nothing!
Packaging: All the Wonderland dolls come in the same box. It is very appealing to the eye with bright graphics of the characters and other traditional Alice scenes. It is a window box with Velcro snap for closing the cover.
Other:The Mad Hatter is part of the first "LDD in..." Series.
Inferno as The Queen of Hearts-Clothes: The Queen has a very cool red/black themed outfit. One her neck she has a shiny pleather cool neck thing (lol) with a red heart stone set on it. She has puffy sleeves with more not-cloth-stuff going down her arms. The wrists are all ruffly. She has a ruffled collarish thing on the corset part of the dress. There is black ribbon criss-crossing all the way down the torso. It's meant to be joining two pieces of shiny pleater material on either side. The material part is nylon. The dress part of the outfit contains three layers. The top layer is a pleather Cinderella-style part with red ruffles around the trim. The next layer is a floor length nylon black piece that opens up in front to reveal a red layer of nylon material. There is no netting under the dress so it falls oddly and is hard to style correctly. No loose threads are visable. She also has a crown which is pegged into her head and then glued to the scalp.
Hair: The Queen has bright red/orange hair that is piled on her head in wavy curls. It is a bit on the thin side and scalp is visable due to the crown. It's very hard to style out of the box. There is no gel stays like that natually.
Paint: There isn't a lot of paint on Queen. Her eyes are very detailed with a fire effect. Her lips are black with little forwn lines on either side. Like Alice, she has a heart on her cheek
Accessories: Nothing!
Packaging:All the Wonderland dolls come in the same box. It is very appealing to the eye with bright graphics of the characters and other traditional Alice scenes. It is a window box with Velcro snap for closing the cover.
Other: The Queen of Hearts is part of the first "LDD in..." Series.
Eggorcist as The White Rabbit- Coming Soon!
Jinx as The Cheshire Cat-Clothes: Cheshire is sporting a very simple outfit. She has on a horizontally stripped purple/black hoodie with fur trim. The hoodie has a real zipper. The hood has cute wittle cat ears on it. She has on black stockings and adorable fur boots. The boots make is hard for her to stand so she falls down a lot. Becareful with the fur. It comes out sometimes.
Hair: Her hair is hidden by the hood...and thank goodness. It is really thin, short black hair. Very messy and full of gel. The bangs on mine are great though which is all you can really see
Paint: Cheshire has bright green eyes and a pink nose. She has a big grin that glows in the dark!
Accessories: Nothing!
Packaging:All the Wonderland dolls come in the same box. It is very appealing to the eye with bright graphics of the characters and other traditional Alice scenes. It is a window box with Velcro snap for closing the cover. The Cheshire Cat's contains a sticker on te front that says " Hot Topic Exclusive"
Other: The Cheshire Cat is part of the first "LDD in..." Series.
Chiller Eggzorcist-
Died and Doom-
Hong Kong Penny-
Sinister Minister and Bad Habit (black)-
Sinister Minister and Bad Habit (red)-
Sinister Minister and Bad Habit (white)-
Hazel and Hattie-
Mr Graves and Abigail Crane-
Blue Eggzorcist-
Doctor Dedwin and Nurse Necro- Clothes:
Jack The Ripper-
Hemlock and Honey-
The Great Zombini and Viv-
Jack and Jill (black & white)-
Jack and Jill (red &black)-
Jack and Jill (black & white GID)-
Jack and Jill (red &black GID)-
Captain Bonney-
Jeepers variant-
10th Anniversary Eggorcist (US)- Clothes:
10th Anniversary Eggorcist (UK)-
10th Anniversary Eggorcist (Asia)-
Twisted Love:
Rose- Clothes:
Resurrection Series 1:
Resurrection Series 2:
Resurrection Series 3:
Bride of Valentine-
Resurrection Series 4:
Hazel and Hattie-
Died and Doom-
Nosferatu & Victim-
Edward Scissorhands-
American Gothic-
American Gothic Resurrection- Clothes:
Jason Voorhees (part III)-
Leatherface- Clothes:
Romeo and Juliet- Clothes:
Otis and Cindy-
Edgar Allan Poe and Annabel Lee-
Captain Spaulding
Jason Voorhees
Michael Meyers
Michael Meyers: Glow In The Dark Limited Edition
Freddy Krueger
Saw Puppet Doll
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